Martha’s Vineyard R&R Part 2
The ferry to Martha’s Vineyard is a quick jaunt to the island, just thirty minutes to the official start of the road trip portion of our R&R adventure.
After checking into our island digs, the Vineyard Mansion, (highly recommend) we headed out to explore the island. We studied the freebie map of the island (you know the one with cartoon drawings to highlight tourist destinations, where everything looks SO close to wherever you are at) we decided to take a walk to one of three lighthouses on the island. Did I ever mention I like sports that involve a machine or something to that effect. Before I discovered rowing I biked. Loved getting on my metal horse and taking off. Boat, bike..yep, right up my alley. Not a big fan of running, hiking, swimming, walking…no machine. So after walking for FORTY FIVE MINUTES and 3 chimes of “How much further” from whiny me, the lighthouse finally came into view. Yes, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Never trust those silly maps you find in hotel lobbies.
We couldn’t even get close to the lighthouse. It was on private property shared with the US Coast Guard. But it was pretty and we were able to walk out on the beach. As Snook took pictures, I spent my time Googling UBER, alas no UBER on the island. I needed a good dinner for walking to the lighthouse and back. My compadres deserved a great dinner for putting up with my whining.
Dinner found us in Oak Bluff, a neighboring town to Vineyard Haven, at the Offshore Ale Company. Casual fare in a comfortable, rustic brew pub. I finally got my lobster roll.
In our day and half excursion to Martha’s Vineyard we hit not only the 3 major spots-Vineyard Haven, Oak Bluff and Edgartown but also the west side of the island. Each area has something different to offer definitely worth a visit if you are close by. Summer is probably a madhouse here so book early, but if you go in the fall as we did, you will be treated to a tranquil beautiful respite. Each district has a nice Main St. where yes, you can shop, eat and drink. I love indie bookstores and there are two to stop and browse, Edgartown Books and Bunch of Grapes Bookstore in Vineyard Haven. I loved visiting the lighthouses and taking in the beautiful coastal scenery despite the gusts of wind that threatened to upend us at times. Much of the island harkens to a time gone by with its New England architecture and feel. Don’t pass up ambling around the gingerbread houses in Oaks Bluff.
As they say a picture is worth thousand words, a whirlwind glimpse of Martha’s Vineyard
Next post: Let’s talk food on the island!