I Tried To Buy Some Flour, They Said No, No, No (Not Your Mama’s Rice Krispy Treats)
Day 2 of Shelter in Place. I receive a text from a friend that the supermarkets are a little calmer than yesterday. That’s my cue to head to the market to pick up a few items. Nope, not gonna go crazy, just need a few staples like flour, yeast, butter, and milk. Since we will be “cocooning” I wanted to do some baking. Sounds like a plan, right?
Apparently, everyone else wants to too.
Not a bag of flour of any kind on any shelf in the 3 grocery stores I tried. Wow. I’m dumbfounded. I couldn’t find yeast either. I feel like we are in pioneer living mode. All good, time to improvise.
So I grab the next best thing, a bag of marshmallows. I have Rice Krispies at home, just got more butter, and maybe I’ll make them happy Rice Krispies with some sprinkles. A little bit of fun and cheeriness to offset our Coronavirus blues.
I know what you are thinking…oh please, a recipe for Rice Krispy Treats?
Not just Rice Krispy Treats. Nope, not the “look on the side of the cereal box recipe” but Smitten Kitchen’s version which a friend from Tennessee renamed “Damn good, Double Buttah R-aah-ce Krispy Treats”.
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen. In the 3jamigos archives find it here.
Like the Big Fig Newton….here’s the hard part BROWN BUTTER This added step elevates Snap, Crackle and Pop’s version to a whole new level. That…and oh, twice the amount of butter. Just trying to be transparent folks.
Melt butter over medium heat, keep an eye on it. The butter will foam and as it gets hotter the milk particles will brown. Keep a close eye so it doesn’t burn and stir constantly.
Look at those nice brown bits that are just flavor bombs! So delicious!
I added happy sprinkles but sadly, they melted. My advice is to wait until you pour the mixture into the pan to shape and cool, then go crazy scattering sprinkles on top.
Upside to shelter at home…Hubby just made me a cookie box to transport goodies to friends and family functions after we get through this! So excited, box has a sliding lid and dividers for different kinds of cookies. Hmmm,not my birthday but I’ll take it.
Stay safe, stay healthy!
2 Replies to “I Tried To Buy Some Flour, They Said No, No, No (Not Your Mama’s Rice Krispy Treats)”
The box he made is beautiful!
Thank you, can’t wait until we meet for coffee and I can fill it with goodies to share!