Got Dough? (Tasties)
In life there are two sides to everything. The yin and yang of the universe. There are those that twist their Oreos apart, lick the frosting off the cookie and then eat each cookie (seems kind of silly to me) versus those that absolutely never take Oreos apart but eat the cookie and frosting together. Or how about vanilla or chocolate? Coke or Pepsi?
Crust or filling? ……….CRUST OF COURSE, DUH.
So, what does one do with the scraps of dough left from the pie that’s baking in the oven? It would be a shame to let it go to waste. Not quite enough for another pie but enough to make you feel guilty if you toss all that buttery, flaky goodness out.
Tasties to the rescue. One of the many delightful recipes from The Art of the Pie by Kate McDermott. This is my new bible on pie. Detailed instructions on everything you ever wanted to know about pie crusts and fillings written in a warm easy style. The majority of recipes are fruit based and pretty classic, apple, blueberry, strawberry rhubarb. A small section on hand pies, mini pies and savory pies. Photos are gorgeous. As a bonus, stories by the author add a very personal feel to the book. Plus…she has a blog The Art of the Pie, definitely worth checking out.
Back to the Tasties. The dough is formed into a rectangle and sprinkled with generous amounts of cinnamon & sugar. It is then rolled into a log and sliced into 1 inch thick segments. Sprinkled with more sugar and baked. So simple, why didn’t I think of that? I’m already dreaming of the next time I have leftover dough, maybe I’ll add nuts or use jam instead.

Tasties from The Art of the Pie
- Leftover Pie dough
- Cinnamon
- Sugar
- egg white + 1T water
- jam
- finely chopped nuts
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees
- Gather up extra dough trimmings and smoosh together gently
- Roll dough on parchment paper into a rectangle approximately 1/8" thick
- Generously sprinkle dough with sugar leaving a 1/2 inch border along one long side
- Liberally top sugar with cinnamon (see photo) use a lot of cinnamon don't be shy!
- Sprinkle finely chopped nuts on this if desired
- Brush border without cinnamon sugar with a bit of water.
- Using the parchment paper as a support to roll dough into a log starting with edge opposite of the brushed water border. Like a jelly-roll.
- Turn log over so that seam side is down to help seal it.
- Brush roll with egg wash or milk or cream
- If roll seems soft, chill for 15-30 minutes before cutting.
- Slice roll into 1 inch pieces and place on parchment lined baking sheet.
- Bake for approximately 15 minutes until golden brown.
- Remove from oven and sprinkle with additional granulated sugar.
- Options: I would like to try using jam instead. Make sure you use parchment for ease of clean up.