The Perfect Pancake
I got home from rowing the other morning and spied our stainless steel mixing bowl sitting on the counter. Hmm….looks like Wes made pancakes for breakfast. There was just enough batter left in the bowl for one good size pancake. The griddle was still on the stove so I turned the flame on, higher than I should have as a grumbling stomach will do that to you, and ladled the batter onto the pan. I watched as the pancake began to rise, bubbles formed and just as the edge of the pancake began to look dry I flipped it over. Immediately the pancake puffed up and I thought THIS IS THE PERFECT PANCAKE. I need to take a pic (ok, multiple pics) and wax poetically about this puppy.
As I was taking the photos a horrifying thought popped into my head. WHAT IF Wes actually used Bisquick this morning?! I couldn’t possibly immortalize a pancake made with a box mix. This was the perfect pancake, no chance this was a from a box but I had to be sure….I called him and this was the conversation that ensued.
Me: So, you made pancakes this morning?
Him: Yep. I left you some batter.
Me: Yep. Saw that.
Him: Yep. It’s pretty good.
Me: Ok (exasperated tone), is it Bisquick or from scratch.
Him: What do you think?
Me: Noooooooooooooo
The smug look that crosses his face whenever I guess wrong…makes me shudder even thinking of it. It’s the look that says “HA, Ms. Foodie you are wrong, epic tastebud fail”.
Me: Scratch (with conviction)
Him: Yeah, scratch (with a tinge of resignation)
Me: HA, I KNEW IT! No way was that from a box. Happy Dance, uh huh, uh huh…..
In all fairness, Bisquick pancakes are pretty darn good and Wes does tweak them by adding melted butter. In a pinch or when feeling lazy we pull out that bright yellow box with the bold blue letters….and in a blink of an eye, pancakes anyone?
Our favorite pancake recipe comes from…don’t laugh, The Friends Cookbook. Yes, those friends..Ross, Rachel, Monica, Joey, Chandler and Phoebe. Trust me…the pancakes are delicious. Fluffy, tender, buttery, perfect with maple syrup or adorned with fresh berries or bananas.
Darn, why didn’t he leave me more batter!
Aurora’s Pancakes
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/4 cup milk 2% or whole milk works
- 2 large eggs
- 4 tbsp 1/2 stick, butter, melted, plus extra for the pan
- Combine the flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder in a large bowl, using a whisk to remove any large clumps.
- Pour the milk into a large measuring cup. Add the eggs and melted butter and beat with a fork until smooth.
- Slowly stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients using a rubber spatula. Do not overmix the batter.
- Heat a griddle or large skillet. Grease the pan with a little butter. Drop several tbsp of batter on to the pan for each pancake.
- Cook until the tops are covered with bubbles. Flip and continue cooking until the bottoms are golden brown. Repeat the process with the remaining batter.