My Banana Bad (Banana Bread Again?)
You know how sometimes you get wrapped up looking for something new or better than what you already have. You get tired of making the same thing and convince yourself that somewhere out there is a version of your tried and true that is tastier and better? The old bait and switch of new and improved?
Well, I just fell for that with of all things banana bread. I tired of making the same recipe.
So I took you and me off on a banana bread tangent.
Well I’m here to tell you STOP. Don’t bother. Forget the recipes that call for reducing the banana liquid or that try to cram 6 bananas into 1 loaf of bread for banana flavor POP.
I had 3 very ripe bananas sitting on my counter today so I made my tried and true recipe ““Best Damn Banana Bread” and guess what, it is the best damn banana bread. Especially if you swirl in some Nutella.
Nuff said…