Jamigos 2.0
Wes and I are now “empty-nesters”, well, except for Sammy our dog. So how to fill time once spent micromanaging my kids-go back to work full time? Nah. Reboot my blog? Thats a start although not much of a reboot since I had a grand total of 2 entries! I started 3Jamigos during a family vacation to Europe when my 1st kid graduated from high school, but with 2 still at home, life remained crazy busy and the blog was relegated to the back burner. Now with all of them “launched” its time to dust it off and try again, why not? I would like to say I thought long and hard about what direction my blog should go in…but I didn’t, and despite the gazillion of blogs out there already, my blog centers around food. It will also have photos of things I love like sports, travel, and family as well as musings and sometimes rants on the same (I will try to stay away from politics). A pediatric pharmacist by trade, cooking and baking translate well. What this tells you is I have a math and science background and I’m a bit compulsive and analytical and that is how I approach recipes. I try a recipe and think about what made it awesome or a bust.
Every now and then, such as graduation and kids going off to college. I tear myself away from food and sports and do something out of my comfort zone. When my kids headed off to college I realized that they didn’t want my “pearls of wisdom” or “the talk” so I dusted off the sewing machine and made comforter covers and pillow cases for them. I am the antithesis of a craft queen but it felt good sending them off with something to remind them that I was watching over them and still trying to keep them safe and warm. Check out the monster buttons on their comforter covers, haha!