I’d love to write a free article for your website on a topic of your choice. If you’d like, I can also suggest ideas that fit well with your existing content.
Hi Jersey! Just wanted to let you know that my subscriber list was damaged, if you would like to be on my e-mail notification list please re-subscribe. thanks!
I’d love to write a free article for your website on a topic of your choice. If you’d like, I can also suggest ideas that fit well with your existing content.
Would you be open to this?
Thank you but I will have to decline. My little blog is really just a labor of love for my kids and additional readers is icing on the cake!
Trying to subscribe. My email is alheon@yahoo.com
Hope you’re well!
Amy Heon
Thanks Amy. I added you, let me know if you received a confirmation. Tell Dennis Happy Father’s Day!!!
Finally made the Lemon Blueberry Shortbread cookies! Couldn’t be happier with how they turned out! Thanks for sharing this recipe! I enjoy your blog!
Thank you! So glad they turned out. Happy holidays!
Hi Jersey! Just wanted to let you know that my subscriber list was damaged, if you would like to be on my e-mail notification list please re-subscribe. thanks!