Salted Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies Revisited
I reserved some of the Salted Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookie dough to bake knowing I would be going to Monday morning coffee with the moms. Who can resist freshly baked cookies? Having scooped out all my dough on the first day, I had cookies ready to bake in the fridge. I came home from the gym (New Year’s Resolution number 1), turned on the oven, plopped the little doughboys on a sheet and popped them in the oven. Easy peasy-freshly baked cookies in a jiffy. I had lined the cookie sheet with a Silpat and whoa, what a difference. This latest batch was much more reminiscent of a Mrs. Field’s cholate chip cookie (who remembers those, lol), a bit denser, definitely softer and lacking that lightness and crispy edge from the first day.
The moral of the story: If you like crisp and light, bake on parchment and after 12 hours of chilling. If you like a classic chewy cookie, bake on Silpat and chill the dough for longer. The next time I bake these I will test my theory again.
Cookie on the left baked after 12 hours of chilling time and on parchment. The cookie on the right after 48 hours in the fridge and baked on a Silpat mat.
But do bake these cookies, they are absolutely scrumptious!