Kids will be Kids
Have you seen those Procter & Gamble Olympics commercials? You know, the ones about moms. By the time they are over you are bawling your head off and grabbing another tissue. Well if you haven’t, check out this link P&G Olympics Mom Commercial. I cry every time I see one. Don’t tell anyone.
Though I am arts and crafts challenged I do make my feeble attempts at crafts, especially during the holidays. This year I thought I would make pillowcases. Quite a few of our pillowcases and towels are worn and discolored. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why. Was it poor quality control? Bad dye process? Hmmmm….so I went to my trusty sleuthing source (Google) and typed in discolored towels and pillowcases. Voila’! BENZYL PEROXIDE. If you are of a certain age you have just heard a low commanding voice go off in your head “OXY-FIVE, oxycute those zits”. Yes, a definite correlation between discoloration and teenage angst.
So, I decided to make pillowcases for the kids for Christmas to replace the old ones. I actually like making pillowcases, a quick project that involves only straight line sewing..I can do that. Off to the store to select fabric with my friend Mari aka my “Master Shi Fu” of sewing in tow.
In my mind, my kids are still just that, kids. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind and heart they are all still 5 years old. I’m still holding their hands to cross the street, packing their lunches, riding my bike along side them to make sure they get to school safe and sound. Still picking them up when they fall down and wiping away the tears.
And with that in mind I chose the material for their pillowcases.
Sometimes they still are my little kids…
These pillowcases are really quick and easy to make. I found a video on Youtube by Crafty Gemini that does a great job of showing you just how easy they are to create. Just a few additional steps and you have a fancy-schmancy pillowcase with 2 borders and hidden seams. Believe me if I can do it so can you!
One Reply to “Kids will be Kids”
Your pillowcases turned out great! And Jeffrey looks so sweet cuddling his new pillowcase. 🙂